I recently made it my mission to get our family photo albums up to date.
A job that I have had on my to-do list for quite sometime but never quite seemed to get around to doing it.
We had printed the odd photo over time and had favourites printed for frames or canvases on the walls but the years’ worth of year by year photos still remained stuck in our digital devices
My local shop where I get my photos printed was running a promo on 4×6” photo prints for the weekend and so it prompted me to get into action.
Finally, I had a stack of photos to add to our album collection – and I mean like hundreds, it was quite overwhelming how many there actually was. Now the task was to sort and create the albums for these most cherished photos.
Get Organised
Firstly sorting into piles by children and then by approximate dates. I opened the first photo album ready to insert the photos and it was so bare, blank white pages just staring back at me.
If you are anything like me, this is the time when inspiration hits and your creativity juices flow. I knew I needed to bring those photo albums to life.
A blank canvas…
I have cupboards filled with decorative paper, stamps, paint, ribbons, the list goes on and on.
What could I add to these pages? I scoured through drawers and my eyes fell upon some colourful cards with little sayings and pictures – and they were the exact same size as the photos, 4×6” so they could slip into the pockets of the album.

Give the details
I grabbed a handful and started writing notes here and there and slipping them in between the pile of photos.
When the album was put together, the pages had random colourful cards with meaningful notes about the photos around it. Using the cards this way meant I could also write my notes about the photos in more detail rather than just a few words here and there in the margins. When I had groups of photos from 1 particular day or event I used a card to write the location and date to give that group more meaning.

The note cards can usually be purchased from most craft shops that stock any sort of scrapbook products. You could also use scrapbook paper and cut it to size. Scrapbook paper is usually sold in packs, sometimes with a theme and with lots of colours and pictures.
Be creative and bring your photo albums to life and make them memorable for those who are lucky enough to share your precious memories.
What did I use in this project:
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